TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The Extra Life community fundraises year-round to Change Kids’ Health to Change the Future.

Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised over $110 million USD to Change Kids' Health to Change the Future. Right now, children's hospitals need YOUR support.
This year marks the 15th year for Extra Life and they have raised over $8.5 Million in 2023 so far.
In 2020 I was told about Extra Life from a friend on Twitch named Duanerinc. He asked me to join his team to help raise money for my local hospital in a 24-hour Charity Stream. I had only been streaming for about a year at that point wasn't expecting much, but I gave it a go and ended up raising $140 that year. Here we are three years later, in my fourth year, and we raised around $1600 as a team for our local hospitals.
Extra-Life started for me 10 years ago when a former classmate introduced me to this amazing cause. I never thought playing video games could ever have much impact but since Extra-Life has started, knowing they've raised over $130 million since they started. The story of Victoria Enmon is such a touching story about how a little girl got this movement started. These kids need us and anything we can do/give to raise awareness is important. It's heartbreaking as these kids haven't even had a chance to live life. I will forever be an Extra-Lifer and do what I can to raise awareness for the cause. Ever since I started to participate in Extra-Life I've found an uplifting, and amazing community that welcomes everyone with open arms. I couldn't imagine NOT doing this every year as it is such an amazing cause. If you're a gamer, you should look into Extra-Life if you're interested in raising money for a Children's Miracle Network Hospital of your choosing.
Neko (quote)
If you would like to Donate or host your own donation you can do so by signing up at extra-life.org