TUCSON, Ariz. — We have united to fight breast cancer with the American Cancer Society through participation in the Real Men Wear Pink campaign to encourage our community to join us in taking action in the fight against breast cancer. We are wearing pink and raising awareness now through October to raise funds that will help the American Cancer Society attack cancer from every angle.
2020 is proving to be a year of big challenges for us all. COVID-19, the Bighorn Fire ... we are fighting to overcome new challenges every day and our fight to conquer breast cancer remains strong!
We are working to reach a goal of $2,500.
Why We Wear Pink
Breast cancer affects everyone - it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. According to the American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures 2019, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women.
Why We Support the American Cancer Society
Every day, the American Cancer Society is saving more lives from breast cancer than ever before. They're helping people take steps to reduce their risk of breast cancer or find it early, when it's easier to treat. They provide free information and services when and where people need it. They fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and they're working to ensure access to mammograms for women who need them.

We hope you will join us in our effort by making a donation or helping us to spread the word by sharing our campaign on your social pages.
Cuyler Diggs, Pat Parris, Mark Charter, Jason Barr, Craig Smith, Brian Brennan, Allen "Big Al" Kath, and Alex Steiniger