KGUN 9NewsBorder Watch


One-on-one with Tucson Chief Border Patrol Agent John R. Modlin

He shares what process migrants go through in order to be released into the U.S., and shares what resources his sector needs
Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin
and last updated

A smuggler using a school bus to transport migrants, 14,000 arrests in seven days, and a migrant falling from the border wall.

This has all happened in the Tucson border sector just over the last few weeks.

Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin says his agents are facing new and greater challenges every day.

“Sometimes we’re doing things we weren’t trained for, but that’s the nature of what we’re facing," Modlin said.

What they’re facing is managing the hundreds of thousands of migrants who turn themselves in to seek asylum, while still trying to secure the border, and going after the people evading arrest.

“I don’t think there’s a single sector chief that would tell you they have the manpower they need," Modlin said.

Chief Modlin and his agents are now processing over 2,000 people a day.

“We do biographical checks, we look at their fingerprints, at their face, determine if there’s a criminal history, an immigration history, they are run through the terrorist databases," Modlin said.

But with so many migrants to check, some slip through the cracks.

Last month, an African migrant was apprehended, checked, and released in the Tucson sector.

Then, homeland security discovered the migrant was wanted in Senegal for "terroristic activities".

The migrant was arrested again in New York two weeks after illegally crossing the border.

“Not every country shares information with us. A lot of people who cross don’t have identifying documents with them," Modlin said. "We do the best we can to make sure no one that is a threat to public safety or national security is allowed into the United States.”

Border Patrol coordinates with border counties to make migrant releases as smooth as possible.

Getting them to shelters in Tucson is part of the process—but with numbers rising again, the county says their current federal funding will only last through March.

“We’re burning through money twice as much, because we’re getting twice as many people," Mark Evans, Pima County's Public Communications Manager said.

Chief Modlin adds without the support network, the local situation would be much worse.

“What we have seen is an incredible response from the local NGOs, whether it’s county buses going to pick people up, or whether it’s NGO’s picking them up and moving them to their final destination," Modlin said.

But Chief Modlin also says there is assistance needed from the federal government, noting recently Border Patrol has been hiring "processing coordinators" to help with the large groups coming across the border.

"We look at things like the 'Make Safe Act' where a lot of the gaps where the border wall system was stop, that's being remediated," Modlin said. "That's fantastic for us."

He lastly adds he sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Believing his sector and his agents are ready to continue facing the challenges.

“Like all things, this will go. I’ve been doing this for close to 30 years, and I’ve seen this before," Modlin said. "The Border Patrol always steps up and we will get through it.”

Full interview with Tucson Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin:

Full interview with Tucson Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin

Adam Klepp is a reporter for KGUN 9. At his previous station in Yuma, Adam focused on a range of local issues including the border, water rights and healthcare. He is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and attended both Loyola University Chicago and Syracuse University. Share your story ideas and important issues with Adam by emailing or by connecting on Twitter.