LUKEVILLE, ARIZ. (KGUN) — With the large crowds, it’s a challenge for Border Patrol agents to process everyone quickly.
A look at today’s line:
— Adam Klepp (@AdamKleppAZ) November 30, 2023
One migrant from Ecuador told KGUN 9 he’s been standing at the wall in Lukeville since Tuesday.
“It is very cold,” Jose Benites said.
Jose and other migrants are keeping warm by building fires, even burning pieces of cactus to keep the flames going.

Hundreds gathered again on Thursday, but the group is smaller compared to earlier this week.
On Monday, Border Patrol said over 2,700 migrants were apprehended in the Tucson sector.
Even with the conditions, Benites says getting to the U.S. was a relief.
“I had never traveled before. I was afraid to get on the plane. I went to Colombia, then El Salvador. Then I walked and bused to Mexico City. There I had to look for the people who got me here," Benites said.
The migrants all hope that what lies ahead is better than what they left behind.
“My dream is that after three years here I can get enough resources to return to Ecuador, so if God wills it I can bring my family here too," Benites said.

Benites is just one of the thousands of migrants who have crossed into Lukeville this week.
The Tucson Sector continues to lead the southern border in migrant apprehensions.
Adam Klepp is a reporter for KGUN 9. At his previous station in Yuma, Adam focused on a range of local issues including the border, water rights and healthcare. He is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and attended both Loyola University Chicago and Syracuse University. Share your story ideas and important issues with Adam by emailing or by connecting on Twitter.