KGUN 9NewsBorder Watch


International dispute could be on your menu

U.S. tomato growers ask penalties on Mexico tomato prices

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Bringing fresh fruits and vegetables from Mexico has been a booming business for Southern Arizona. But U.S. growers say Mexican tomatoes are not priced fairly—and their complaint could affect you at the store.

Mexican tomatoes brought in by the ton carry a lot of weight in Arizona’s economy. They account for thousands of jobs and millions of dollars, especially around Nogales.

But tomato growers in Florida say they and growers across the U.S. are getting crushed by Mexican tomatoes sold as much as 30 percent below the cost of producing them. In trade talk, that’s called dumping.

Michael Schadler, the Executive VP of the Florida Tomato Exchange says a four year old trade agreement to limit how low prices can go for Mexican tomatoes has not done enough to protect U.S. farmers from being driven out of business.

“All we're asking for is a level playing field. We want trade laws to be enforced. No more dumping, and then we'll compete.”

Arizona’s tomato importers and theFresh Produce Association of the Americassay their sales are strong because they sell a better product. Florida says it offers high quality and variety too.

The Florida Tomato Exchange is calling on the U.S. Commerce Department to add a 21 percent import duty to Mexican tomatoes.

Members of Congress have joined in for and against the penalties, while Arizona leaders like Governor Katie Hobbs and Nogales Mayor Jorge Maldonado have worried about higher prices for consumers and Arizona's economy and workers taking a hit.

At Johnny Gibson’s Downtown Market, owner Paul Cisek says he only buys tomatoes from Mexico or greenhouse tomatoes from Arizona.

He thinks Tucson’s closeness to Mexico will keep him buying Mexican tomatoes regardless of whether the U.S. imposes penalty fees on growers there.

“There was a time when there would be a lull in seasons and you would only be able to get Florida tomatoes because they filled in that gap. But now with hydroponics being what they are, tomatoes are year round all the time, never a problem. So I haven't seen a Florida tomato in a long time.”

It is not clear when the Commerce Department will rule and whether the effect of the decision will wind up on your plate.